If you’re looking for reliable professional cat groomers in Dubai, there are a few key points to note. While an in-home cat groomer may not be inspected regularly, certified cat groomers won’t practice dog-centric trimming. These professionals also have a safe, clean work area and are knowledgeable about cats. Read on to learn more. Below are three things to look for in a cat groomer:
In-home groomers won’t be inspected regularly:
In-home cat groomers won’t inspect your cat as frequently as larger grooming facilities. These professionals will be more likely to be familiar with your pet and can make recommendations in a more sanitary environment. They will also inspect your cat for underlying health problems, such as matting. If your cat has a severe matting problem, the cost of professional removal may be hundreds of dollars.
Certified cat groomers won’t do the dog-centric trimming:
A certified cat groomer will not engage in dog-centric grooming, such as trimming claws, tails, or ear flaps. Certified groomers will offer solutions to common cat grooming problems, including excessive shedding, mats, and dandruff. Certified cat groomers are also trained to offer a long-term maintenance schedule for keeping your kitty looking his best.
A certified cat groomer will only do cat-centric trimming if they specialize in it, and they will use different restraints than a dog groomer. Cats can bite, so a groomer should be calm to encourage your cat to relax during the procedure. Many groomers do not perform dog-centric trimming due to the risk of injuring your kitty.
They will have a safe work area:
While you may have a safe work area at home, you can never guarantee your cat will be completely at ease in a commercial space. Your cat can become aggressive and leave battle scars on the groomer. You need someone who can keep the animal calm and not get frightened by its behavior. You also need a groomer who has a safe working area. A good cat groomer will also have a safe work area and be able to keep an eye on your pet at all times.
They have special equipment:
Professional cat groomers have special equipment and have been trained to use it safely. Special dryers are also available for cats that dry them much faster and don’t spook the animal. They also know exactly how to use these dryers to ensure your cat is dry and comfortable. You should not attempt to groom your cat yourself – you could hurt your cat or make a huge mess.